By Alex Tiegen
This updated resource guides you through serving homeless students while complying with Title I, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, the Every Student Succeeds Act and other laws. Plus, you learn how to use pandemic relief grants before you lose these limited-time funds.
Know how to align services with students’ educational, physical and social-emotional needs with up-to-date tools and guidance to:
- Determine Title I, Part A funding amounts to reserve for homeless education
- Identify programmatic needs through state and local needs assessments
- Partner with community organizations providing wraparound services
- Fold all school staff into efforts to identify homeless students
- Use Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief, Governor’s Emergency Education Relief, and the American Rescue Plan – Homeless Children and Youth grants to identify and assist homeless students
You also get new charts illustrating 4 common methods for calculating the Title I homeless set-aside and 7 ways to use ARP Homeless funds, plus other helpful tools.