By Dayna Straehley
Now that your district has moved beyond transitioning to Every Student Succeeds Act requirements, you need to know the latest best practices to build English learners' literacy skills and English language proficiency. This new Third Edition delivers just that, with new guidance and clear explanations of mandates to include English learners in federally required school support and improvement.
You'll know how to create or revise programs to bring ELs to proficiency and academic equality with:
- Clarification of district requirements under Title I, Title III, IDEA and ESSA
- New research into how English learners acquire language proficiency while learning academic content
- Best practices to teach literacy and language together, and to increase bilingual family literacy
- Model forms for every stage of an EL program -- from entrance surveys to parent notices
- New Checklist for Developing a Newcomer Program and other tools to help you plan and coordinate your EL program