Service Animals in the Schools: What Every District Needs to Know About the ADA Rules

Price: $49.95
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Authors Melinda Jacobs, Esq.
Item Number 300625
Pages 65

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ADA Title II regulations establish guidelines addressing the discrimination, health, and safety issued raised when a parent request their child be accompanied to school by a service animal. Make sure you understands your district’s requirements now to avoid trouble later!

Designed to help you formulate a sound service animal policy, this resource provides a comprehensive overview of the definition of a "service animal," detailed analysis of what the regulations call for, plus sample policies to adapt. You also learn:

  • What type of "work or tasks" the animal must perform in order to qualify
  • Which animals are excluded by the definition and why
  • When the district may ask that a service animal be removed from the premises
  • And more!