Assistive Technology in Special Education: Identifying Student Needs, Responding to Parent Requests, and Other Compliance Issues

Price: $49.95
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Authors Teri E. Engler, Esq.
Item Number 300641
Pages 75

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Advances in technology have changed the way students learn — Make sure you’re making AT decisions based on students’ options and your legal obligations! This guide illustrates how to meet IDEA, Section 504, and ADA mandates regarding FAPE, LRE, effective communication, and other issues.

With examples from case law, you get clear explanations of:

  • The IDEA’s LRE requirement in light of high-tech devices available to homebound students
  • Evaluating whether AT is necessary to provide FAPE based on the Endrew F. ruling
  • How AT fits into the IEP when the student already has access to technology in the school setting
  • And more!

Plus you get ready-to-use forms and tools including a Technology Use Agreement, AT School-to-Home Authorization Form and AT Implementation Organizer.