Prior Written Notice Under the IDEA: Who, When and How?

Price: $49.95
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Authors Andrew Tatgenhorst, Esq.
Item Number 300684
Pages 55

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When is prior written notice required? How detailed must the notice be? And how long do we have to send it?

This essential resource distills court and hearing officer decisions into concise guidance — to help you develop compliant prior written notice and avoid potential IDEA claims. Along with analysis of your procedural and substantive requirements you get:

  • Case summaries teaching valuable do and don’t lessons
  • The nuts of bolts of what makes for compliant notice
  • Real-world scenarios illustrating when and how to provide notice, with explanations of the district’s reasoning
  • Checklist to share with staff to help you evaluate when notice is required
  • Model notice you can adapt for use in your district
  • And more!

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