Your Blueprint for Compliant Short-Term Disciplinary Removals Under the IDEA and Section 504

Price: $49.95
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Authors Amy K. Onaga, Esq.
Item Number 300701
Pages 34

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Get use-today guidance to meet IDEA and Section 504 discipline rules in everyday situations!

Straightforward explanations of the laws’ mandates ensure you know how to distinguish short-term from long-term suspensions, determine if a bus suspension counts toward the IDEA’s 10-day rule, identify when in-school suspensions amount to disciplinary removals, and more.

Plus, you get plenty of practical tools to guide your way to compliance:

  • 33 Sample Scenarios detailing common situations and steps to comply with IDEA and 504 rules
  • 2 flowcharts to help you determine if the suspension qualifies as a change in placement requiring an MDR and whether a student is entitled to receive educational services during suspension
  • Suspension Tracking Chart for counting disciplinary removals throughout the school year
  • And more