Managing ADHD at School: What Educators Need to Know to Comply With Section 504

Price: $64.95
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Authors Edited by Kelli Dreier, Esq.
Item Number 300713
Pages 184

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With increasing OCR complaints alleging discrimination against students with ADHD, school staff and administrators must have a full understanding of their legal obligations. This resource gives you that plus strategies to identify, accommodate, and serve students with ADHD in-person and virtually.

You also get case summaries illustrating the compliant way to address real-life situations, model forms and checklists, and best practices to:

  • Identify a student as potentially having ADHD and determine needed accommodations, with strategies specific to in-person and virtual learning
  • Distinguish between signs of ADHD versus readjustment to a new educational environment
  • Recognize when a student needs a 504 plan
  • Determine when a student needs new or different accommodations
  • Transition a student learning virtually back to the in-person setting
  • And more!