Crafting Compliant Parent Notifications to Facilitate Family Engagement

Price: $49.95
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Authors Johnny Jackson
Item Number 300727
Pages 79

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This is every educator’s essential playbook to providing key parent notifications required under ESSA, IDEA, McKinney-Vento, and FERPA.

You are guided through statutory requirements for specific notices and what you should include — so you know when and how to draft notices that start and maintain family engagement throughout the school year. Along with sample notices to use as models, you get guidance to:

  • Meet notice requirements related to teacher qualifications, school choice, English learners, IEPs, and 4 more areas
  • Incorporate notices across venues and media, such as during Title I meetings and in parent handbooks
  • Share ESSA-mandated information with parents about their rights and opportunities to be involved
  • Meet deadlines for notifying and engaging parents at key programmatic entry points during the school year
  • And more!