Dos and Dont's When Administering ESEA/ESSA and Title I Programs

Price: $64.95
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Authors Edited by Charles L. Hendrix, M.A.
Item Number 300739
Pages 146

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Created for the time-crunched administrator, this plain-language guide translates complex legal mandates into everyday practice.

These 200 do and don’t tips spotlight the financial and programmatic moves you should and shouldn't make, and why, when administering ESEA/ESSA and Title I programs and using ESSER and GEER funds.

And they’re all organized by key topics for quick-find guidance on specific situations you’re facing related to migrant students, English learners, students with disabilities, private school students, and 8 more key areas — delivering advice you can immediately use to:

  • Identify and enroll students experiencing homelessness
  • Address concerns about identification for school support and improvement
  • Engage parents meaningfully
  • Spend your Title I funds most effectively to assist your most at-risk students
  • And much more!