Getting Behavioral Interventions Right: Proper Uses to Avoid Common Abuses
Item Number
Reduce disruptive behavior and lost instruction time by equipping educators with classroom-based intervention strategies. Incorporating evidence-based research and legal cases, 24 chapters each provide step-by-step guidance on one intervention: level systems, proximity control, antiseptic bouncing, time-for-time, and more.
Plus, real-world scenarios demonstrate each intervention being used appropriately and inappropriately — showing you both best practices to adopt and pitfalls you can now avoid. Increase intervention success with additional guidance including:
- Concerns with using time-out and physical intervention
- Considerations for students with anxiety and students who have experienced trauma
- Critical components of active supervision as a preventive strategy
- Using precorrection to provide students with knowledge of how to behave
- How mindfulness can help students deal with their emotions
- And more