Placement Under the IDEA: Avoiding Predetermination and Other Legal Pitfalls

Price: $64.95
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Authors Amy E. Slater, Esq., Edited by Joseph L. Pfrommer, Esq.
Item Number 300613
Pages 124

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Get the training tool that guides your IEP teams through the IDEA's procedural and substantive requirements of determining educational placements — and how to avoid specific pitfalls that can lead to placement disputes with parents.

With a review of actual case law, your staff learns valuable lessons on how:

  • The Endrew F. FAPE standard impacts placement decisions
  • IEP teams can justify placement decisions with data and documentation
  • To respond to parental requests for home instruction
  • The potential for severe bullying could make a proposed placement inappropriate
  • Pre-meeting statements by staff can trigger a predetermination claim
  • And more!

You also get 10 model forms and tools, with charts describing the differences between home instruction and homebound services, steps to opening an IEP meeting, and more!