FBAs and BIPs: Meeting IDEA Compliance Obligations

Price: $49.95
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Authors Edited by Dylan J. Wade, Esq.
Item Number 300637
Pages 86

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When is your district required to conduct a functional behavioral assessment for a student? What is the IEP team’s role in drafting a behavioral intervention plan?

This resource delivers straightforward explanations of IDEA requirements plus concise recaps of critical case law, guiding you through the duty to determine the purpose behind a child's problematic behavior and how to address it. Learn best practices to:

  • Conduct FBAs using the Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence (ABC) format
  • Develop BIPs that are individually tailored to the student
  • Avoid common pitfalls such as creating vague behavior goals
  • Identify how a student's BIP provisions can influence use of the school’s general discipline code

Plus, you get handy tools including 8 Rs Worksheet, model FBAs and BIPs, and more.