When and How to Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments for Students With Disabilities

Price: $49.95
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Authors Joseph L. Pfrommer, Esq.
Item Number 300718
Pages 82

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Equip your IEP and FBA team members to conduct functional behavioral assessments that enable effective intervention for students' problematic behavior.

This guide explains the steps for defining behavior, collecting data, and developing a hypothesis — all based on case law so you know how to carry out the process appropriately. Plus you get guidance to:

  • Spot when conducting an FBA may be critical to a student receiving FAPE
  • Explain a decision to conduct or not conduct an FBA, with sample language to follow
  • Respond when a parent disagrees with a school's decision to conduct an FBA
  • Recognize when an FBA is not required by law but may still constitute best practice
  • And more

Also includes charts, checklists, and forms to guide you through the FBA process!

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