Leadership in Special Education: Fostering Collaboration, Solving Problems and Being an Agent of Change — Key Principles for School Staff

Price: $49.95
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Authors Dr. Derek Ihori, Dr. Alexia Melara
Item Number 300702.STAFF
Pages 78

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Daily practice guidance for special education teachers, school psychologists, speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists, and other special education providers.

Special education providers may not officially hold administrative titles, but they are essential leaders at their school sites. While serving students, they must inspire colleagues, resolve disputes, and assist general education staff.

This unique training guide walks them through developing those skills and more, with guidance targeted to their specific role:

  • 3 types of informal credibility non-administrative leaders must establish with all staff
  • 3 perspectives that people have regarding students in special education and how to work with each one
  • 4-step Problem-Solving Matrix to guide decision-making
  • 3 keys to effectively work through disagreements with others
  • And more!

Works hand in hand with Key Principles for School Administrators and Key Principles for District Administrators to ensure consistent training across all levels.