Applying a Trauma-Informed Framework to the IEP Process: From Referral to Development

Price: $49.95
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Authors Eric Rossen, Ph.D., NCSP, David F. Bateman, Ph.D.
Item Number 300723
Pages 71

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Unlike any other, this resource addresses trauma as a part of the IEP process. You learn how to develop effective and compliant IEPs for these vulnerable students with step-by-step guidance to infuse consideration of trauma's impact throughout the process, including how to:

  • Recognize how trauma affects the student's functioning and consider the many circumstantial variables when writing IEP goals and objectives
  • Write trauma-informed present level statements that focus more on skill development rather than behavioral compliance
  • Identify trauma-informed accommodations and make appropriate recommendations for interventions
  • Improve family engagement and increase trust during the IEP process
  • And more

Includes 8 Steps for Trauma Screening, 62 Accommodations for Students Who Have Experienced Trauma, Sample Language of Good vs. Bad IEP Goals, and more helpful tools!