Beyond the School Year: A Practical Guide to ESY Services

Price: $49.95
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Authors Johnny Jackson
Item Number 300738
Pages 40

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From determination to delivery, this practical guide takes you through identifying when students require special education and related services beyond the regular school day or school year and how to provide services equitably and effectively.

With explanations of ESY regulatory provisions plus plenty of practical guidance, you’ll understand your district’s legal obligations and know how to carry out the components of determining, planning, and delivering ESY services without jeopardizing FAPE.

Create policies and practices that are IDEA-aligned by gaining model forms, checklists, and strategies to:

  • Individualize ESY services using student progress monitoring data on target skills
  • Implement ESY services considering student needs such as transportation and scheduling
  • Plan for transition from ESY to the regular school year and postsecondary transition
  • And more