IEPs That Succeed: Developing Legally Compliant Programs — Second Edition

Price: $74.95
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Authors Amy E. Slater, Esq.
Item Number 300230.2ED
Pages 270

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From determining who to include in the team meeting to implementing the resulting program, your IEP team members go step by step through the entire IEP process — learning their IDEA substantive and procedural requirements, how the steps fit together, and the knowledge to:

  • Avoid common pitfalls associated with electronic IEPs
  • Address assistive technology devices to avoid unnecessary IEP revisions
  • Follow requirements for conducting a facilitated IEP meeting
  • Determine whether to revisit the student's IEP before his annual review
  • And more

Also included: analysis of how the U.S. Supreme Court’s Endrew F. ruling affects the standard of FAPE for all IEPs; valuable lessons and citations for 799 cases; plus 12 forms and tools — including Ground Rules to Enhance Team Communication, ESY Checklist, and IEP Goal Writing Hints.