Two Years & Counting: The Pandemic's Impact on Special Education Law

Price: $295.00
Authors Bobby Truhe, Esq.
Item Number 3801.050522

Due process procedures. Disability-based discrimination. Prior written notice. Compensatory services. These and more special education compliance issues were greatly impacted by the pandemic.

Attorney Bobby Truhe takes you through the evolution and shares what you need to know to meet students' needs — and your compliance duties — going forward. And, most importantly, you discover how to apply lessons learned during the pandemic to:

  • Inform current and future practices for providing special education services
  • Make placement and service decisions that allow for meaningful parental input while being adaptable to students' future needs
  • Use prior written notice more effectively given its vital role during the pandemic
  • Understand how community and school board decisions impact IEP and 504 team considerations
  • And more

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