Making Restrictive Placement Decisions Aligned With the IDEA's Least Restrictive Environment Mandate

Price: $295.00
Authors Samantha P. Lewis, Esq.
Item Number 3801.111424

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If the current placement for a student with a disability is not allowing her to make educational progress, the district may propose a more restrictive placement. In this recorded training session, attorney Samantha Lewis takes you through the various alternative placements along the IDEA’s continuum, plus explains pertinent IDEA provisions and legal decisions.

You also learn how to comply with the IDEA’s LRE mandate with best practices to:

  • Determine when moving a student to a more restrictive placement or alternative setting is most appropriate
  • Evaluate the placement options to determine which will best meet the student’s needs
  • Meet your district’s continuing responsibility to provide FAPE in the alternative setting
  • Develop plans and goals to transition a student back to a school setting when applicable
  • And more