Getting a Handle on Your IDEA Prior Written Notice Obligations

Price: $295.00
Authors Karen Haase, Esq.
Item Number 3801.120717

Ensure team members understand IDEA requirements for when and how to provide Prior Written Notice (PWN), with guidance from veteran school law attorney Karen Haase.

With explanations of what has to be included in the notice, what doesn’t, and when notice must be provided, staff will be empowered to draft PWNs with ease — and in a way that will withstand legal challenges.

Along with discussion of relevant legal decisions, you gain detailed guidance on how to:

  • Identify events that trigger required provision of PWN
  • Better describe the action proposed or refused, and the reasoning behind the decision
  • Explain other options considered by the IEP team and why they were rejected
  • Comply with the timing requirements for sending a PWN
  • And much more!

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