Homebound Services Under the IDEA and Section 504: An Overview of Legal Issues — Second Edition

Price: $64.95
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Authors Hans P. Graff, Esq.
Item Number 300180.UP09
Pages 159

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With explanations of IDEA and Section 504 mandates supported by must-know case law, this is your overview of the legal issues involved in providing home instruction or homebound services to special education students.

From services for students with autism, to parental consent, to assistive technology, to extracurricular activities, you learn the factors to consider to ensure students receive FAPE, and gain the knowledge to:

  • Apply cases interpreting FAPE in restrictive settings and calculate compensatory services after Endrew F.
  • Provide guidance to IEP or Section 504 teams deliberating the appropriateness of home instruction or homebound services to students
  • Explain to teams the different goals and intentions of services provided in restrictive settings versus a school-based setting
  • And more!