One-to-One Aides for Students With Autism: A Practical and Legal Guide

Price: $49.95
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Authors Cara Nissman, Amy E. Slater, Esq.
Item Number 300603
Pages 86

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While a one-to-one aide may help some children with autism, it also raises compliance questions: Does the child need one-to-one assistance to receive FAPE? Do the parents have a say in the district’s choice of aide?

Combining explanations of your IDEA requirements, case summaries, and loads of best practices, this guide helps you fulfill your legal obligations to provide one-to-one aides plus communicate effectively with parents. You’ll serve students better and minimize legal disputes with guidance to:

  • Determine whether the use of an aide is necessary for a child
  • Handle parents’ requests for a specific aide
  • Ensure that aides promote growth rather than dependence
  • Prepare for the reduction or termination of an aide's services
  • And more