Emergency Planning and Crisis Response for K-12 Schools: Best Practices, Model Forms and Checklists

Price: $64.95
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Authors Jennifer Herseim
Item Number 300646
Pages 178

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As recent tragedies remind us, the worst-case scenario can happen. This guide helps you reevaluate your existing policies and develop a comprehensive approach to emergency management.

You get examples of how other districts deal with security threats, emergency planning guidelines, and guidance for each essential stage:

  • Plan: Learn how to draft an all-hazards school emergency plan
  • Prevent: Discover best practices for securing facilities, controlling visitor access, and more
  • Assess: Find out how to evaluate risks and students’ violent behavior
  • Respond: Gain strategies to prepare staff and students to respond in a crisis
  • Recover: Learn how to address recovery if tragedy strikes

Also included: Model policies, forms, and checklists for training staff, addressing safety concerns, and documenting your security efforts.