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Virtual Instruction During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Legal Aspects for Special Education Students
Virtual Instruction During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Legal Aspects for Special Education Students
Price: $295.00



Presented by Betsey Helfrich, Esq.

Even during unplanned school closure, districts are still required to ensure that students with disabilities receive FAPE. Don't let IDEA or Section 504 concerns hinder your efforts to continue serving your students.

In this recorded webinar, school law attorney Betsey Helfrich explains the legal issues to consider when implementing virtual learning for students with disabilities. You get a close look at relevant IDEA and Section 504 requirements, as well as federal guidance regarding school closures. Even better, you gain best practices for maintaining compliance with it all, and get guidance to:

  • Recognize differences in application of IDEA and 504 requirements in the virtual environment
  • Avoid legal pitfalls that could lead to disability discrimination claims when switching to virtual learning
  • Implement best practices that are in line with current case law and OSEP/OSERS guidance
  • Proactively draft policies for the future virtual education of students with IEPs and Section 504 plans
  • And more!

(2020. MP4 Download. 90 min. Product Code: 3801.040920)

(Materials included. Must be prepaid and may not be returned.)

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