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Title I Fiscal Requirements Under ESSA: From Supplement Not Supplant to Set-Asides
Title I Fiscal Requirements Under ESSA: From Supplement Not Supplant to Set-Asides
Price: $64.95



Edited by Frank Ferreri, M.A., J.D.

All in one resource … a comprehensive look at Title I’s 6 money mandates, spending constraints and how they all work together — so you can see the overlap and differences, and erase any confusion over what is and isn’t allowed. You gain the knowledge to plan and budget activities that take advantage of the law’s flexibility while ensuring federal funds are used to serve students most at risk. Eliminate missteps over what is and isn't allowed — and avoid audit findings — with best practices to:

  • Follow Education Department guidance on supplement, not supplant to make calculations on programs that meet the intent and purposes of Title I, Part A
  • Prepare for self-assessment and desk audit procedures using material the Office of State Support uses
  • Calculate maintenance of effort with both per-pupil and aggregate spending methods
  • Handle the equitable services set-aside under Every Student Succeeds Act rules
  • And much more on each of the 6 fiscal rules!

(2020. Pamphlet. 100 pp. Product Code: 300688. S/H: $5.50)

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